Hudson Reporter Archive

Intentionally dropped ball

Question: In high school baseball and softball, runners on third and first base with less than two outs; infielder deliberately drops a line drive as a chance to gain a double play. Legal play? Delayed dead ball?
Answer: Dead ball, batter is called out and runners return when infielder intentionally drops a line drive, fair fly or fair bunt in flight and at least first base occupied. (BB- Rule 5-1-1-j and 8-4-1(c); SB- Rule 5-1-1(l) and 8-2-10)
Question: Runner on first base with less than two outs; batter bunts a fair fly ball toward the third baseman, who allows the ball to fall untouched to ground. Fielder throws to second and on to first and double play. Legal action?
Answer: Legal play; allowing ball to drop to ground untouched is not considered an intentionally dropped ball. Manipulating ball with hand/glove to induce the drop would be considered an intentional action. (BB & SB

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