Hudson Reporter Archive

‘God bless you, Dr. Frezzo’

To the Editor:
Veterinarians are special people. They treat creatures that cannot tell them what is ailing them. They must use their medical expertise and skill to diagnose the problem.
All veterinarians do this. However, Bayonne is blessed to have one veterinarian who does one thing that medical books do not teach, and that is show compassion. Compassion is not just for the animal, but also for the pet’s family. Dr. Frezzo is just that doctor. Dr. Frezzo has taken care of my cat for 20 years. During those years, Dr. Frezzo was able to diagnose a medical problem that other vets could not.
Recently, I had to euthanize my beloved cat, a decision all pet owners dread. Dr. Frezzo was not only there to handle the medical procedure, he was also there to sooth an emotionally delicate moment. His gentleness of touch and spirit made the experience easier to handle. My only wish is that Dr. Frezzo was a people doctor because there is no doubt that he would be my doctor.
God bless you, Dr. Frezzo.


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