Hudson Reporter Archive

Feast a success

To the Editor:
On behalf of Mike Masone, chairman of our annual Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Bayonne, the Feast Committee and myself want to express our gratitude and thanks to: the Bayonne Police Dept., the Bayonne Fire Dept., and the Bayonne Dept. of Public Works for their leadership, guidance, direction and assistance in helping to run our annual Feast.
In addition, we want to thank Anthony Gagliardi and the family staff of Mama Rosa’s Restaurant, who cooked the food for the feast; the Hispanic community, who always offer great La Comida Hispana; all those who worked and helped out at the Feast in any way; and to the residents of the city of Bayonne and the other towns who patronized our feast. We are grateful to all of you for helping up to have one night of success.
We also want to thank The Chandelier, SanVito and The Pointe, who had provided food for us at Casa Maria. Also, thanks to Catholic War Veterans Post 1612, St. Ann’s Society, The Rosary Society (all from our parish); Bayonne UNICO; Nacirema; Fr. Dave Baratelli; and the Red Mike Band and DJ Express for the music.
Our Lady of the Assumption Church is an important part of the life of the city of Bayonne, and has been for the past 107 years. We are all grateful for the support and cooperation we have received from the City of Bayonne, the City Council and Administration, especially our mayor, Mark Smith.
May God bless all of you, and may we continue to celebrate the unique presence of Jesus we are to the residents of the city of Bayonne, Hudson County, and the Archdiocese of Newark.


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