Hudson Reporter Archive

Now that school has started…

Dear Editor:
Sometimes in all of the excitement it is easy to forget the day to day hazards that go along with traveling to school especially for the younger students. Whether a child walks, rides in a school bus, travels in a vehicle or by bicycle it is important to remember safety tips. The statistics from the National Highway Traffic Administration indicate that the majority of injuries and deaths that occur while using a school bus are not as the result of a bus crash but occur when students enter or exit the bus.
We are offering the following suggestions for the safety of our students: Line up facing the school bus door, not along the side of the bus, never play in the street while waiting for the school bus, never reach or crawl under the bus to get anything that has rolled or fallen underneath, after getting off the bus wait for either the bus driver or bus aide to signal you across the street, never cross the street behind the school bus. For the walkers, try not to walk alone and pay attention to the traffic signals. For those to ride to school in a car, always wear your seat belt and go right from the car to the sidewalk. We are requesting all drivers to slow down and be wary of children who might dart out into the street near the school zones, playgrounds or bus stops. Always, as per the law stop for school busses that are loading or unloading children, obey all posted speed limits and slow down in school zones and near school bus stops, be observant for school traffic guards and patrol safety members and be observant at all times watching for the children.
We in the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office will work together with the local police departments to ensure that every child in Hudson County is safe and happy for this new school year.

Juan Perez
Sheriff of Hudson County

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