Hudson Reporter Archive

First attack mailer in Hoboken election: Mason takes on Zimmer

On Thursday, Hoboken residents got the first mailer in the upcoming Nov. 3 municipal election. It’s a glossy mailer from candidate (and Councilwoman) Beth Mason, criticizing Dawn Zimmer for retaining her council presidency as she simultaneously serves as acting mayor. The mailing also says, “Zimmer is filling all the top jobs in City Hall with her friends and political cronies. There are no checks and balances.”
It is true that so far, Zimmer has hired people known to her. New parking head Ian Sacs had participated in public meetings and worked with her on the Southwest Hoboken Traffic Workshop. She hired him for $103,500. Her new aide, Daniel Bryan, had helped out on her campaign. And Jake Stuiver, whom her council majority recently appointed to the non-paying Hoboken Housing Authority board, was Mason’s campaign manager who endorsed Zimmer in the runoff.
Mason says in the mailer, “Council President Zimmer is approving her own appointments!”
Actually, she is among those approving them, since she needs the rest of her majority to get things passed on the nine-member council. Since three of the council people ran with her, and a fourth is strong ally Peter Cunningham, she is usually assured of their votes.
However, Zimmer has only held the two political positions for less than two months, after former Mayor Peter Cammarano resigned.
The mailer notes, “No Hoboken politician since former mayor Anthony Russo has wielded so much raw political power!”
A shot at Russo? From Mason, who was criticized last spring for becoming allied with Russo’s son, Councilman Michael Russo? Perhaps this is an attempt to distance herself from the Russo family.
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