Hudson Reporter Archive

Watch out for kids walking to school

Dear Editor:
As the new school year begins again, so too does the daily flow of hundreds of children walking to and from class. I would like to take this moment to remind everyone about the importance and responsibility we all have to make sure that their safety, as well as that of all other pedestrians, is prioritized above conveniences such as parking too close to corners and in crosswalks.
Not only is it illegal to park in crosswalks and areas where the curb is painted yellow, it is also very dangerous, since cars parked in these areas block the visibility between drivers and pedestrians. You may have noticed that crosswalks along designated “safe routes to school” have been freshly painted to improve visibility. Also, the city is installing orange plastic bollards to physically prevent parking at the most dangerous corners; however, it is not possible to do this at every intersection. Therefore, we will also continue to enforce parking violations at these locations with ticketing and towing in the interest of pedestrian safety.
As part of the city’s expanded effort to make pedestrian safety a high priority, especially for our younger residents who are smaller and therefore harder to see, I am asking for everyone’s help by always keeping crosswalks and areas where the curb is painted yellow clear. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Ian Sacs, P.E.
Hoboken Transportation and Parking Director

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