Hudson Reporter Archive

Vega will return for City Council meetings

Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega, one of the 44 people arrested in the July 23 federal govt. money laundering/public corruption case, said on Friday that he plans to return to preside over the City Council at its caucus on Tuesday and the council meeting on Wednesday in City Hall.
Vega, in a short interview, said he “looks forward” to working again with his council colleagues and “doesn’t feel nervous” being back out in the public. Vega did not attend the Aug. 12 council meeting because he was meeting with his attorney, Peter Willis, to discuss his case.
Vega was charged with allegedly accepting $30,000 from federal “cooperating witness” Solomon Dwek, and has been one of the targets of residents, as well as City Councilman Steven Fulop, at recent council meetings who have called for his resignation. There also been calls for the resignation of Mayor Jerramiah Healy, who was named but not charged in the complaints against the 44 arrested, and of City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez due to her residency issues.
Vega said he is still innocent until proven guilty and looks forward to his day in court.
“I will do whatever it takes to clear my name,” Vega said. “I’m just glad this is not Salem, Massachusetts, where they burned the witches=2 0before putting them on trial, as some people want to get me out of office before hearing all the facts.” — RK

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