Hudson Reporter Archive

‘It is time we start doing this’

To the Editor:
The City of Bayonne will hold a special election on Nov. 3, 2009 for the vacant office of council member at large, formerly held by Anthony Chiappone. This incident came about because of the political expulsion to remove Mr. Chiappone. I do not recall any reason or charge against him that warranted his removal from office. The City Council is a disgrace for condoning this!
I, Leonard R. Kantor, will be seeking this position. If I am elected office, I will voluntarily take a lie detector test to show that I am no crook representing voters who put me in office. I strongly believe that all other candidates running for office should do likewise. We should all be proud to be the only political candidates in our country to do this. I know that I am.
My one and only interest seeking this office is to reduce city property taxes. To invigorate with innovative ideas, to reduce debt and to increase our city financial assets. These are not political promises that I make, but results that will be implemented and accomplished to help you, the people! No b.s.
I admit that I cannot accomplish the goals that I set out with if I do not have the effort and support of other council members. Changing times mean changing ways. In truth, it is the City Council that rules our city, not the mayor!
It is time we start doing this.


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