Hudson Reporter Archive

Disappointed with the pool

To the Editor:
I was at the 16th Street Pool on Saturday, Aug. 1, for the first time this year, and was somewhat disappointed.
First, the pool was not completely clean of leaves, and did not have lifeguards in every seat, as in the past. There were enough there though.
Secondly, the part of the pool where most people are in the water does not have enough ladders for entry or exit. I remember there were two on each side. Now only one on each side with only two steps, which are difficult to reach. They should have at least three. While there is a wide staircase in the left corner, one on the right would be appreciated, too.
Third, there is the matter of the handicap chairlift. This was not in use, but was submerged, which is dangerous. My girlfriend’s son bumped his head on it while swimming with the other kids in the same area.
Lastly, my biggest complaint is the snack bar. There is a sign on the wall that says “Employees must wear gloves at all times.” Yet, I saw only one girl with one glove at the fryer, handling the tongs. All the others, with their hair loose and flying around, were handling food without gloves, while they were also using cell phones, touching their earphones, and handling money.
I spoke to the manager about this, and he thanked me and said he would take care of it. However, when I passed the snack bar as I left (at 3 p.m.), no one had gloves on. Isn’t that a health code violation? Or is the Health department paid to “look the other way” since it is run by the political cronies in the Parks and Recreation Department?


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