Hudson Reporter Archive

Stack’s attorney looking into report about Union City First and FBI

A recent article in the Bergen Record said that Union City Mayor Brian Stack’s political organization allegedly received funding from an FBI undercover company. According to the Bergen Record report, in August of 2007, $4,000 in funding was given to Union City First, Stack’s political organization. The story states: “[At] the same time the U.S. Attorney’s Office says a ‘middleman’ for an unnamed ‘Union City official’ received a $4,000 check from the government informant at the center of a far-reaching federal corruption sting.”
According to the Record, financial records show that Union City First received a campaign contribution in the amount of $4,000 from BH Property Management.
The Record’s report says that BH Property Management is mentioned in a federal complaint as being an FBI undercover company dealing with money laundering activities.
When asked about this on Tuesday, Stack said the matter is being “cleared up.”
Stack’s attorney, Dennis McAlevy, said he had made an inquiry with the U.S. attorney’s office to confirm whether Stack was the unnamed official noted in the complaint.
“If I get confirmation from the U.S. attorney’s office that, in fact, that was a check from this guy and it was part of that FBI sting money, that money will absolutely be donated to charity,” said McAlevy.
For more on this story, go to the briefs page of this weekend’s Union City Reporter.

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