Hudson Reporter Archive

‘It’s time to take responsibility’

To the Editor:
As a citizen of Bayonne, but more importantly a citizen of the world, I am very concerned about the lack of awareness and action among people regarding climate change and what it is now doing to our planet and the relationship we have with her.
Do you know that glaciers people depend on for water are melting three times faster than scientists predicted? That islands such as the Maldives, Carteret Islands, Vanuatu, and Bangladesh are already in danger of being inundated by sea level rise? New Jersey is also predicted, along with much of the northeast, to also be seeing the effects of sea level rise within the next 25 years. Water scarcity, which is also affecting agriculture due to drought, is already affecting between 30 to 40 percent of our world!
Whether you believe humans are responsible for exacerbating this or not, scientific consensus, along with data proving Co2 rise increases temperature, confirms that the burning of fossil fuels is now affecting ocean temperatures, glaciers and weather patterns. What has to happen before our priorities include caring for this planet and its future, which affects ours?
If you care about the sustainability of our only home, Earth, and the generations to come, including our children, you need to read the scientific reports and stop listening to the hacks on Fox News that only try to place doubt about this because of their own partisan patterned agenda. Climate change is about much more than weather, it is about trends. And the trend shows a global increase of temperature of one degree already. We cannot go beyond 2 degrees but are clearly on the way because of distraction and lies, and the millions of dollars being invested by those interests that don’t want you to know the truth. It is up to you to find that truth. What kind of world do you want to leave to your children? Tell your government it’s time to take responsibility!


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