Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken’s call for Cammarano’s resignation

Dear Hoboken:
As one of the Independent Candidates for Mayor in the last election, I want to state my thoughts regarding the past few days and on the charges against Mayor Peter Cammarano.
The past days have thrust the citizens of Hoboken into disbelief and anger. Mayor Cammarano has put us there. I echo the people of Hoboken’s call for the resignation of Mayor Cammarano.
I do not make this statement lightly; but Mayor Cammarano, has failed us.
It is not just the bribes that offends me. Mayor Cammarano deliberately deceived the people of Hoboken and broke promises to gain elected office. There is not a word in the English language that describes his level of deceit.
Mayor Cammarano was to “unite of all Hoboken”. That was a flat-out lie. Stating that people “wait-in-line” or to have people “grounded into Powder” is not the actions of someone that intends to unite.
Mayor Cammarano, throughout the campaign, repeatedly stated Hoboken needs sane and reasonable development for the citizens of Hoboken. As we now know, Mayor Cammarano was already brazenly accepting money for development potentially not in our interest.
Mayor Cammarano’s insult to the integrity, intellect and character of Hoboken Italians, our Hispanic community and seniors is beyond words. Statements such as these can not be tolerated.
Mayor Cammarano’s words expose direct lies to gain elected office. These direct lies, in my opinion, are just as serious as the Bribery allegations against him and is reason enough for Mayor Cammarano’s resignation. Such deceit has no place in Hoboken City Hall.
The fallout of his actions has also left Hoboken City Hall without leadership. Although City Services are “working”, there is no accountability, no Elected leadership and no Directors of essential departments. Mayor Cammarano has lost all ability to Govern.
Mayor Cammarano brought this upon us. Hoboken received a Black-eye, a cut….a bruise. We are in the national spotlight. But black eyes, cuts and bruises will not keep Hoboken down. We are strong and better than that. It is what we do from this point that will define us.
And what we are doing right now is standing up for what’s right for Hoboken and Mayor Cammarano MUST resign.
Hoboken has serious issues to tackle and address. We have spending issues, budget issues, tax issues, personnel issues and quality of life issues to name a few.
Mayor Cammarano lied to the people of Hoboken and took bribes.
I say to you, Peter Cammarano, resign.

Thank you,
Frank Orsini

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