Hudson Reporter Archive

Minor league stadium is a visionary idea

Dear Editor:
Beth Mason’s minor-league baseball-stadium plan is a fantastic idea, and from what I’ve seen of her overall plan for the north end, the whole package will be a tremendous asset to Hoboken and a boon to our economy.
The stadium would be a facility residents could walk to, and would also plug into the light-rail system, so it would provide a new recreational outlet for the region and create a plethora of jobs without drawing much new traffic into the area. My understanding is that there are numerous prospective teams ready to sign on to Hoboken, which would add a new dimension of spirit and excitement to our community. Not to mention the fact that the facility would create a full range of much-needed jobs for city residents, from clean-up crew to landscapers to technicians to white-collar management executives.
Councilwoman Mason is pitching the plan as one integral piece of a larger redevelopment project on the north end of town that would have the holistic effect of enhancing our economy and providing our community with the perfect mix of recreational, commercial and residential space. This is a proposal that only someone truly looking out for the interests of the community could come up with, and I hope more people will go to Mason’s community meetings and find out more, and possibly even help spread the word about this exciting plan.
It is time for us to take the reins of our own future and steer development toward enhancing our quality of life and economic prospects. Councilwoman Mason is empowering us to do just that, and this is a golden opportunity to ensure that the largely untouched north end is developed in a way that best suits our needs.
Having a minor-league stadium in Hoboken would be exciting, dynamic and visionary – and I for one will do my part to help make it a reality.

Alison Waldman

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