Hudson Reporter Archive

Lopez cares about her ward

Dear Editor:
I am a resident of the Journal Square Ward for over the past twenty years and have served as a Democratic Committee Member for nine years and am extremely upset over the media persecution of our duly elected Councilmember Nidia Lopez. I note that Mr. Boggiano supported the opposition, this Mr. King who evidently is expressing sour grapes over his loss at the polls and a mandate of the people for Councilmember Lopez.
I can firmly state that I know Councilmember Lopez for a number of years and can attest to her caring for the people and her own direction in life. What did she do wrong? She has a right to have a home in another state, it is noted that she only voted for in a local election in the town in Florida, does she not have a right to say who legislates the area in which she owns the home. She did not vote in any national elections in both jurisdictions.
I must firmly state that I amongst many others voted for the entire Healy Team and am proud to state that I voted for Nidia Lopez as my representative on the Jersey City Council.

Michael Giacomazzo

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