The FBI’s cooperating witness in the New Jersey poltical scandal also approached at least one of the other Hoboken mayoral candidates, according to Jake Stuiver, mayoral candidate’s Beth Mason’s campaign manager.
Stuiver said a third party set up a meeting between Dwek and Mason that Stuiver attended. Stuiver declined to say whom the third party was.
On Saturday, May 9, the week before the May 12 election, Mason and Stuiver met with Solomon Dwek at a diner in north Hudson County to discuss a possible campaign contribution, Stuiver said.
Stuiver said Dwek laid out two tracks of conversation, but never connected the two explicitly. He said Dwek discussed his interest in suppoirting Mason’s campaign and also conveyed that he was a developer who had a business interest in Hoboken.
“He made clear right up front that this was the type of guy he was and this was the kind of deal he was looking for,” Stuiver said. “He was very frank.”
And Mason’s response?
“She was very quick and firm in her assertation that we have very clear standards” for the process of development in Hoboken, Stuiver said.
Stuiver said Mason told him “how to get in the back of the line for that process.”
He said the meeting was fairly quick “as soon as he picked up the vibe she clearly wasn’t interested.”
Stuiver said the campaign was never contacted by Dwek again. — TJC