Hudson Reporter Archive

Read and comment on this weekend’s letters

If you go to ‘opinion’ and then ‘letters’ on top, you can read this past weekend’s letters for any town. One letter criticizes Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason’s plan to bring minor league baseball to Hoboken as ‘silly,’ while a man congratulates a Jersey City PATH complainer. Click HERE to check the letters.
You can also submit a letter by clicking opinion and following the prompts, but we will get it much faster if you e-mail it to us as a Word document at
Put “Letter” in the subject head. Remember to include your phone number and address, because we call ALL letter writers to confirm their authorship. So if you submitted a letter and didn’t get a call within three days, that likely means we never got it. Please submit again via e-mail! Call us at 201-798-7800 x403 if you have questions.

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