Hudson Reporter Archive

Well respected as financial whiz!!!

North Bergen Township Administrator Christopher “Chris” Pianese comes off as an unassuming, gracious, kind-hearted guy, who has a head for numbers, mathematically and financially speaking!
Born and raised in the Jersey City Heights section, he was a graduate of Saint Anne’s Grammar School and Hudson Catholic High School, also in Jersey City. Thus, Pianese considers himself a Hudson County boy! The son of Victor and Marie Pianese from Union City and Hoboken respectively, and both now deceased and deeply missed, Chris Pianese tells us that he has a brother Victor and a sister Theresa, who both live in Bergen County. Married to his lovely wife Karen Giannaros-Pianese from North Bergen, Chris Pianese has two children from a previous marriage, twin girls named Gina and Olivia, both 9 years old, and the apples of his loving eyes! In 1987, Chris Pianese graduated from Saint Peter’s College in Jersey City with an accounting degree, and that same year he was hired as an accountant for the city of Jersey City. In 1989, he was hired as assistant comptroller for the township of North Bergen, and in 1991, he became the State Certified Municipal Finance Officer (CMFO) which is the highest certification to be achieved in finance in municipal government! Afterward, he was promoted to chief financial officer from 1995 to 2002, and within that time period, he achieved a master’s degree in public administration from Fairleigh University/Teaneck Campus, in 1996.
Finally, he was appointed by the Township Commissioners as the Township Administrator in 2002, the position he still presently holds in proud fashion! More recently he was appointed as a member of the North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue in 2009, whose main offices are located on River Road in West New York. The NHRFR services the North Hudson County municipalities of North Bergen, Weehawken, Union City, Guttenberg, and West New York, and thus far Mr. Pianese says, being a member has truly been a learning experience, and a pleasant challenge! Thus, such a background reads like a Who’s Who in Government, but for Chris Pianese, it is just another step ahead in the world of finance that is to be experienced! As for professional memberships, he is a member of the New Jersey Government Finance Officers Association, and the New Jersey Public Managers Association. In his leisure, he enjoys time with his children, watching sports, and jogging, and even has an equipped gym at his residence, where he works out five days a week!
In the past, he has coached co-ed basketball, and presently coaches his two daughters in the game of basketball. A devoted Roman Catholic, he presently attends Immaculate Conception Church in Secaucus, and Saint Anne’s Church in Jersey City, the parish of his youth. He doesn’t get to travel much anymore, but he has traveled to the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, and Cross-Country, U.S.A., and hopes to do some traveling in the future, as township duties will allow him! He is also hopeful of going back to college for a doctorate in public administration within the next three years, as time will permit, and rejoices in meeting with childhood friends at least once a month to unwind! He also tells us that every year in the month of August, he looks forward to a large growing family outing at Long Beach Island, down the New Jersey Shore, with plenty of home-made Italian food to eat! As a typical Hudson County kid, Chris Pianese tells us that he owes everything to his parents, who shaped his life and thinking, and hopes to impress upon his own children what his parents impressed upon him, and if he is 50 percent successful in doing so, that is success to him!!! Chris Pianese says that he would like to thank the commissioners/administration for their confidence in him, and that he is glad that he is working with such professional people! Well Chris, they think the same of you, too! Township Attorney Herbert Klitzner of Secaucus tells us that Mr. Pianese has done such a solid and professional job as North Bergen Township administrator, that their Standard & Poors Rating credit-wise, has moved up the scale, and that the township has been saving money on interest-rates, because credit-worthyness has risen so high! Commissioner Theresa Ferrara tells us that Mr. Pianese is an excellent township administrator, who is easy to contact, accessible, and always there when you need him for advice and answers. Truly, a fine young man, says Commissioner Ferrara! Thus, Christopher Pianese, just like your favorite sports teams, the New York Yankees, and New York Knickerbockers, and New York Giants; and your favorite music-men, Frank Sinatra and Bruce Springsteen; you are doing a good job your way, and all the best!
Former Guttenberg Mayor James Hannon tells us that he has recently been under the doctor’s care for specialized treatment and is feeling better, and appreciates all those who have been contacting him and his family wishing him to get better soon. Hopefully, he will be home soon, says former Mayor Hannon. Mail your get well cards; he will be pleased to get them!!!…
Union City Police Sergeant William Walliser was recently presented with the Traffic Safety Commendation Award presented to him by AAA North Jersey Executive Vice President David L. Hughes. Best wishes!…
United States Army Private First Class Bismark E. Navas, son of Gloria Perez of Weehawken, has completed basic combat training recently, at Fort Jackson, in Columbia, S.C. Congratulations!…
Maria Ramos and Darwin Tejeda of West New York, were recently inducted into the New Jersey City University in Jersey City/Chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi. Best of luck!…
Hudson County Surrogate-Judge Donald W. DeLeo of North Bergen writes us that he will be addressing the members of the Korean War Veterans of Hudson County on the subject of “New Information on Wills, Living Wills, Living Trusts, and Stories from your Hudson County Surrogate’s Court,” on Monday, July 27, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. The location will be at the R & B Catering Hall, at 234 Broadway, in Bayonne, New Jersey. Readers, another seminar that shouldn’t be missed, so hop into your car and go there. Admission is “FREE!” ………

And so it goes …… until next time …… see you around town …… “MATT” ………

*(Readers who wish to contribute to this column can do so by mailing your news items and photographs, along with your name, address, and telephone number to: “Matthew Amato,” columnist, c/o The Hudson Reporter, 1400 Washington St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030.)

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