Hudson Reporter Archive

Letter of thanks

Dear Editor:
The Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who without their assistance the 4th of July event would not have been possible for us.
First is Frank Palmisano & Biggies Clam Bar for donating the food for our members for the day. An army travels on its stomach, and ours were definitely full because of you. As always it was DELICIOUS!
To the City of Hoboken, our previous Mayor David Roberts, and our current Mayor Peter Camarano, Ms. Judi Tripodi, and all the elected officials, we could have not accomplished such a monumental task without your support.
The office of Emergency Management, especially Capt. James Fitzsimmons, and Joel Mestre, you guys were great to us, and we will never forget it. Also to the Hoboken Police & Hoboken Fire Dept. through all the meetings and the actual event as always you showed true professionalism, and your support to our organization was monumental.
I would be amiss if I did not thank our own members, who gave up a holiday to be with family and friends to come and volunteer for the day. You guys showed why we continue to live up to our motto of “We Care, We’ll Be There.” Excellent job one and all. A special word of thanks to Lt. Mark Harris, Ed White, Sr., and Alex Chadis, who were in the Field Comm, you guys held it together!
There were so many other people who assisted us, Hoboken University Medical Center, the Hoboken High School Emergency Response Team, Hoboken Parking Utility, Hoboken Environmental Services, AmCare Ambulance, Lt. Mathew Munoz of the NJ National Guard, and our friends from the New Jersey State First Aid Council who provided ambulances, as well as our local mutual aid providers in Hudson County. If I missed anyone it was not intentional, and please forgive me.
In closing I would again like to say thank you to everyone for their support whatever that was to the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Thomas F. Molta

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