Hudson Reporter Archive

WNY cops meet with Mayor Vega

At 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, police officers from the Police Benevolent Association, local 361, and concerned residents met at West New York’s commisioners meeting to discuss their continued frustrations with mayor Silverio “Sal” Vega and the Town Council. Vega has threatened layoffs in order to keep taxes stable.
Hundreds of men and women applauded comments given by supporters of the PBA while some shouted against mayor Vega’s comments and responses. Vega repeated many times, “I’m sure that we will reach an agreement,” and “All options are on the table.” However, no specifics were given to questions posed by supporters of police officers.
At one point during the meeting, a supporter pointed to Commisioner Alberto Rodriguez and asked who he was and suggested his layoff. Vega responded in a stern voice toward the supporter, reminding him that Rodriguez was an official elected by the public.
Yesterday, Vega said his primary goal is to put the taxpayers first with hopes to prevent police layoffs. Both sides have until July 31 to come to an agreement.

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