Hudson Reporter Archive

Calling all citizens

To the Editor:
My name is Michael Alburtus and I am working towards achieving my highest rank as a Boy Scout. My Eagle Scout Project that I chose to do is help out my community by organizing a food drive to fill the food pantry of Assumption Church.
I chose this particular parish because I have been a Boy Scout there since I was seven years old. I also chose this parish for my scoutmaster, who taught me so much and was so passionate about supporting the food pantry. His name is Michael Macalush, but to us he was “Mr. Mac.” He passed away this past November suddenly and left a big empty hole in all our hearts. I miss him so much. But I will also support and distribute to the other local food pantries.
So on behalf of his memory and his passion and hard work, I am asking the citizens of our great town to please donate non-perishable items to our needy and unfortunate. There will be bins set up at all our churches and we hope to stand in front of the supermarkets. Also, I will be willing to come to your home or business and pick up the items.
Please contact me at (551) 221-2033 or (201) 779-8801 or (201) 243-0321. Everyone’s help and support to help me achieve the highest rank and also give back to our community will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

(Troop 27)

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