Hudson Reporter Archive

Note of sincere thank you and appreciation

Dear Editor:
I am writing this letter as a note of sincere thank you and appreciation for all of those who participated in the extreme outpouring of caring and giving for the memory of our deceased Sheriff’s Officer Recruit Christian Moreira and his wonderful family. Our Christian passed away on June 13, 2009 and a Night of Remembrance was held in his honor in the Moose Lodge in Jersey City on June 26, 2009.
I have to state that there was a genuine sense of deep feeling within the room at the event and we all knew that we had lost a dear member of our “family” even though this young recruit was only with us for a short time. But we must state that no matter what length of time Christian was with us he was “ours” and we certainly made known our feelings of warmth and everlasting fond memories of him.
We must take this opportunity to thank Detective Myra Ransom, Sgt. Annette Rolon, Sgt. Lee Ann Markowitz and Officer Vivian Rosado for their time and effort in the preparation of this affair. The members of the Training Unit waxed eloquently in their remembrances of our Christian and I must commend Sgt. Brendan Weber, Detective Sharon Whepley and Officer Osbado Hernandez. Our Chaplain Deacon Robert Baker provided us with sincere inspiration and prayers on behalf of Christian and his family.
We must further thank the following businesses and organizations that offered their kind donations to help make this Night of Remembrance a memorable one for all: Casino in the Park, Puccini’s, Carmine’s, Neptune Bakery, Pompei Pizza, B.J.’s warehouse and Jetro Warehouse.
From the bottom of my heart and behalf of all of my staff, thank you to all and these memories will live on forever.

Sheriff Juan M. Perez

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