Hudson Reporter Archive

Cleanup of 900 Garfield Ave

Dear Editor:
The cleanup of 900 Garfield Avenue will have a positive impact on Jersey City residents. For about 40 years this chromium site has been a barren wasteland.
Now PPG has claimed responsibility and has agreed to give Jersey City $200 million to pay for the chromium cleanup and we should not hesitate to take advantage of this long-awaited opportunity to finally start the job.
This means that there will be no tax burden for us taxpayers, the project will create construction jobs and well needed housing for J.C. residents as well as provide additional ratables. Ultimately, it will improve the quality of life for all of us who either inhabit or visit the area.
We all agree that protecting human life is foremost and I trust that the NJDEP will follow thorough and strict standards of chromium removal and monitoring of this project.
Therefore, I am in strong agreement with the current administration to move forward with this project.

Mary Jean Perkins
Lifelong Jersey City Resident

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