Hudson Reporter Archive

Robert Lisa says thanks, goodbye, and good luck

Dear Editor:

Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for all the members of the Hoboken Police Department. It has certainly been an interesting and challenging year for me, filled with highs and lows. I knew when I accepted the position of Acting Chief of the Hoboken Police Department back in April of 2008, that I would have my work cut out for me. Even though I did not get the permanent job, it was a privilege and honor for me to serve as chief of my department during this past year. I am blessed to have been given this opportunity to end an already wonderful career in such a manner.
My only regret is that I did not have the opportunity to personally thank each and every Member of Service, both sworn and civilian, prior to my leaving. I know how hard each and every person worked during this past year. I also know how difficult it was for the rank and file to work for so long without a permanent chief in place. It was through your dedication, commitment, and professionalism that the department was able to move forward and accomplish all that we did. I am truly grateful to everyone.
This letter would be too long to mention everyone by name and all that you’ve done to support me. I must, however, acknowledge and thank one person, my secretary Margaret Castellano. Her vast knowledge and experience made her a valuable asset. Margaret has developed the ability to screen the dozens of calls that come into the office on a daily basis. She manages the daily personnel records for 170 employees including the hundreds of vacation, sick and injury reports that come into the office on a weekly basis. This bookkeeping function alone is a full time job. Yet, that is only one part of the many duties that she performs as the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police. I quickly realized that I could not have done my job if it were not for her help and guidance.
The process of selecting the next Chief of Police took longer than many of us would have preferred. Although the actual test took place on December 11, 2008, preparation for the exam began many months before this date. All the candidates put a great deal of research, studying, and sacrifice into preparing for this test.
The process is finally over and a decision has been made. On June 18, 2009 the City of Hoboken promoted Captain Anthony Falco as the department’s new Chief of Police. Chief Falco is a good man who deserves a chance to succeed in this very difficult and demanding position. It is only fair that the citizens of Hoboken give Chief Falco that opportunity. This is something that he cannot do alone. For him to succeed, he will need the help, support, and commitment of every member of the department. It is important that all Members of Service come together and give 100 percent of themselves to Chief Falco so that he will succeed.
Not only does the department and the city administration benefit from Chief Falco’s success, but so too will the community benefit as they work together to resolve important issues. Although I will be officially retired on July 1, 2009 from the department that I love so dearly and proudly served for over 31 years, I will be praying for Chief Anthony Falco and all the members of the Hoboken Police Department to succeed, and I am confident they will.

Robert Lisa

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