Hudson Reporter Archive

Rumors on new directors at Hoboken City Hall

Hoboken Mayor-Elect Peter Cammarano has appointed one of his former council candidates, Michael Novak, as head of his transition team.
Cammarano said he will release the names of his proposed city directors soon so that the City Council can confirm them before next week’s inauguration.
Sources have confirmed a few of the appointment offers, including moving John Pope from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Environmental Services, bringing in outgoing Councilwoman Terry LaBruno, a teacher and former Hoboken Housing Authority commissioner, to head Heath and Human Services, and tapping Angel Alicea, a Union City police officer, former HHA commissioner and former Cammarano council candidate, to head the Department of Public Safety.
For more on the Cammarano transition, watch this space and check this weekend’s Hoboken Reporter.
What do you think of these possible appointments? Comment below!

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