Hudson Reporter Archive

Sottolano triumphs

Dear Editor:
Congratulations to the residents of the Greenville section in Jersey City on their choice for Ward A Councilman Michael Sottolano. On Tuesday, June 9, 2009 there was a runoff election in our part of Jersey City. The overwhelming majority and public outpouring of votes were astronomical and gave Michael Sottolano a well-earned victory. As stellar as the voting numbers were for Michael, please keep in mind that this man is extremely humble and has a lot of humility.
On the campaign trail prior to the runoff election, I was able to see first hand how people were impressed by his spirit and resilience. Michael is affable and amicable and extremely approachable. Most area residents who had the good fortune of meeting Michael on his walking tours expressed their quality of life issues and found him to be a sensitive and concerned person. On one occasion I accompanied our councilman on a walking tour through Greenville and was able to observe on site how he intends to grapple with problems and situations. As Michael and I came to an intersection at a busy traffic light, his facial gesture went into a frown, I said, “Michael, what is the matter?” and he said, “Look at that vacant lot.” Broken glass, flat tires and shopping carts. This is totally unacceptable, and in the next few minutes, I must say I was amused. Within seconds, Michael had his cell phone out and his fingers were flying through numbers for city services. Watching Michael cut across bureaucratic red tape at City Hall, one would think our councilman is political and ring tactician. Michael slips, slides, glides, goes southpaw and eventually got a commitment to have the lot cleaned up. Make no mistake the man has a lot of savvy and has a very aggressive agenda on getting things done for the Greenville section.
Summing it up, Michael Sottolano is tenacious and gracious. The citizens of Greenville will benefit greatly now that we have empowered Michael Sottolano to represent us once again as a full-time Councilman!

Peter Aceti M.A., M.ED.
Lifelong Resident

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