Hudson Reporter Archive

Addeo: Sincere thanks to all!

Dear Editor:
I would like to take the time to thank all who worked so hard for me during the recent Hoboken Mayoral and City Council election. Your sincere commitment and enthusiasm were the driving force behind me. I could never have done it without you. Although I came up a little short, it is certainly not a reflection on our hard work. Together, we staged both a positive and professional campaign that brought me 5,560 votes and within 88 votes from winning. I am very proud to have been supported by each and every one of you.
I would also like to thank my running mates Raul Morales II, Anthony Pasquale, Angel Alicea, Councilwoman Beth Mason, and our new Mayor, Peter Cammarano. It was a pleasure working with each of you. Your love for Hoboken and passion to make it a better place for everyone was evident in the way you conducted yourselves during the campaign and is something I will never forget. I also would like to congratulate Councilwoman Dawn Zimmer, Carol Marsh, Ravi Bhalla, and Dave Mello on a terrific effort. Although I don’t know you personally, I am sure that you will do a great job representing our city. My only hope is that somehow, both the Mayor and City Council will finally work together in the best interest of the residents of our great city. The political posturing should now be over. It’s time to do what’s best for Hoboken.
In closing, I cannot forget to thank all the people I met along the way who always showed me respect as I knocked on their doors, but most of all the people who sacrificed tremendously for me during this race; my wife Michele, and my children Vinny and Tessa. They truly deserve the most credit for doing without me for more than three months and supporting my efforts all the way to the finish line. I love you all so much and will never forget this wonderful experience.

Vinny Addeo

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