Hudson Reporter Archive

Thanks from the P.S. No. 14 P.T.O.

To the Editor:
On Monday, June 1, the P.T.O., along with the school faculty under the direction of Mrs. Lo Re, held their annual Field Day at P.S. No. 14. Fun was had by all and great food helped create a happy atmosphere.
On behalf of the P.S. No. 14 P.T.O., and the hungry children, we thank you Glen Kuhl of Kuhl of Kuhl’s Tavern, Tropicana, Pete Amadeo at the Bayonne Dept. of Parks and Recreation, National Soda and Carvel! Glen provided delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and baked beans for almost 500 people – on time and cost effectively – while minimizing the workload for the parents who were helping out that day. Juice donations came from Tropicana, while ice and grills came from the Dept. of Parks and Recreation. This all happened while D.J. Russ did a great job getting the children to dance and have fun.
Last but not least, we would like to thank all the parents that showed up to help keep the kids safe and BBQ the food. Hope they enjoyed it just as much as the kids did. We would also like to thank all the parents that helped behind the scenes to make that day a success.
Last by not least, we would like to thank Mrs. Lo Re, her faculty, and the custodial staff at P.S. No. 14.
Thank you to all for a job well done!

P.S. NO. 14 P.T.O.

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