Hudson Reporter Archive

Zimmer campaign: ’An internal memo has been leaked…’

Dawn Zimmer’s campaign spokesman sent out this e-mail today:
“An internal discussion memo circulated within our campaign has been leaked, and its contents have been reported in the press. It should come as no surprise to anyone that a key goal of the Zimmer campaign is to raise the ethical standards in Hoboken City Hall, and this preliminary draft was part of that effort. Councilwoman Zimmer’s intent was to have the memo thoroughly discussed, and when refined advanced as part of the campaign.
“Our campaign stands behind the general intent of the memo, though obviously not the specific details since it is a draft document. One item, however, is simply an error and needs to be corrected immediately. The reference in paragraph 9 relating to affordable housing should have referred to new hires of directors, not employees.
“We do not believe that the paragraph legally can or should be applied to existing city employees. Individuals currently employed by the city can and must be treated equally whether they live in affordable housing or not. But in hiring new Directors the new administration is free to set the bar higher.”

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