Hudson Reporter Archive

These are Joe Doria tactics

To the Editor:
I thought I saw everything when Joe Doria was mayor of Bayonne, but what I have seen going on here is astounding to me.
This administration can put whatever spin they want on things, but they are up to no good. Why did the mayor feel the need to replace Chiappone now? I thought this mayor was supposed to be about saving money for the taxpayers. I guess he fooled me, too. Again, he lied. He has no intention on saving any one of us taxpayers money. If he did, he would not have hired the people he did. He did not fill anyone’s place, he added new people.
Mr. Ruane may be a very nice man, I don’t know him, but what was the problem with leaving the seat empty until we, the citizens of Bayonne, could vote for who we wanted? I am sure Mr. Ruane will not be spending any of his own money for an election since he is now in the hands of the mayor.
Because Mr. Smith couldn’t get the man he wanted, he was threatenin
g to sue the city at our expense. How could a mayor do something like that to his own town? How low can one person stoop?
Nobody can tell me these are not Joe Doria tactics. You know I can only give credit where credit is due. Mr. La Pelusa, I admire your sincerity and compassion because I truly believe you are looking out for the citizens of Bayonne. Mr. Connolly and Mr. Halecky, I am so disgusted with you both. When are either one of you going to get a backbone and learn how to say no the administration?
I was a bit annoyed at Mr. Lo Re because the newspaper said he was changing his mind. I listened to his statement and understood his position. Not happy with his vote, but his position I understood.
When Mr. La Pelusa was reading his speech, I can tell, as well as all the other viewers, that Mr. La Pelusa was very upset at what has gone on here. I enjoyed your speech and I agree with it. I hope one day you will be our mayor. Maybe then we will have someone with some integrity, compassion and sincerity for the people of the town.


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