Hudson Reporter Archive

We’re not going anywhere

To the Editor:
I am responding to Larry Buck’s letter from last week’s edition.
He said that he is tired of seeing some washed up Conaghan supporters asking questions at the city meetings. Then I suggest he tape the meetings and watch them later so he can fast-forward me and the others. We are not going anywhere and will continue to annoy our elected officials with questions.
If we had more people show up at the City Council, BLRA, and Board of Education meetings and voice their opinions, the politicians would listen and pay attention because they know the people are engaged and watching. But because of the lack of civic engagement from the residents, some of our politicians have run amok in our town. It saddens me to see people only come out for an issue that only affects them and then they never show up again.
The residents of this town and state need to wake up. This town and state are being destroyed by high property taxes, bonding, spending and debt. Credit card mentality has bankrupted us and we will eventually have to pay it. Everybody can be in dreamland only for so long before reality smacks them in the face with a property tax bill raise for $2,000-$3,000, perhaps in one shot and when the rest of the bills come due.


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