Hudson Reporter Archive

Orsisni would restructure City Hall

Dear Editor:

On this Sunday, I wish my Mom and every mother a very healthy and a wonderful Mothers Day. May your day be filled with peace and joy.
Tuesday is Election Day and I am running for Mayor of Hoboken.
I am the only candidate that has pledged to eliminate the politics and political machines of City Hall by restructuring City Hall to one Mayor and five Council members, which we are allowed to do legally under the Faulkner Act. This will make the council more accountable, more efficient and less costly.
I have also pledged to cut costs; reduce the budget and lower taxes by:
– Implementing a Green Master Plan.
– Reducing the insurance costs of the city by focusing on healthy life incentives which will reduce illness, reduce sick days and increase productivity.
– Enforcing the Operational and Efficiency audits.
I will also make sure we have well equipped Police and Fire Departments that will keep us safe and secure.
In the end, Hoboken is about the people. And I will strive to make Hoboken a city where young to seniors can live affordably and not be afraid of losing their residences.
Hoboken is a great city. We have our issues and problems, but they can be fixed if people work together to fix them.
I will fix the problems. My professional and non-professional experience encompasses 15 years Compliance and Operations, Business Owner, Hoboken Historic and Planning Board and Hoboken Shelter Board. I have the business experience, organizational/regulatory experience and heart that Hoboken needs.
My name is Frank Orsini and I am running to be your Mayor.
Vote for Hoboken. Vote Frank Orsini for Mayor on Tuesday, May 12. Column 11A.

Frank Orsini
Mayoral Candidate.

P.S. When you walk into the voting booth this Tuesday, vote for the person you truly want to vote for. Follow your instinct. Once you have done that, you have exercised your right correctly and did not waste your vote. A wasted vote is the one cast that you know you should not make – and you will know it once you leave the voting booth.

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