Hudson Reporter Archive

Occhipinti offers forward-thinking leadership

Dear Editor:

Hello my name is Timothy Occhipinti and I am an independent candidate running for Hoboken city council. As an independent, I will not be beholden to the agenda of any political party or any incumbent officials. I will not sacrifice my ideals or principles to win this election.
I want to bring positive, forward-thinking leadership to our community. I have grown tired of watching the community I love change into something I barely recognize. I watched as the government we put our trust in stagnated and floundered. I watched our taxes rise and our services fall. I finally decided that I’d done enough watching – it was time to get off the sideline and work to make a difference in out community.
I want to do what’s right for the residents of Hoboken – you are the reason I am here. Believe me when I tell you, I have your best interests at heart. I believe that our elected officials should stand for honesty, integrity, and character and it is time that we held them accountable for their actions.
I’ve met so many residents who have lost faith in this city’s government. I know too many people who turn to Cablevision’s channel 78 to find a good laugh. There is a clear lack of professionalism, communication, and respect. I want to restore your faith in your elected leadership by fighting for you.
Representing Hoboken as a public servant should be about making the best decisions based on the needs and wants of all residents. I will remain steadfast in bringing the kind of change that Hoboken demands to restore faith in your eyes.
Because the hard truth is Hoboken’s leadership has failed us.
We have seen an unprecedented tax increase, a decrease in community services, and a failure to provide a balanced budget. Hoboken’s financial mess did not occur over night. Years of over spending and abuse created this unfortunate situation.
The city’s budget increased from $53 million in 2001 to over $120 million this year. Hoboken has not seen a property tax increase in 16 years. Budgets were made by one shot revenue deals and not by creating long term economic growth.
I believe we can reduce property taxes by reducing the municipal budget, collecting all revenue owed to the city and aggressively pursue state and federal grant money. Most importantly we need to create a strategic long term economic development plan.
We need to create incentives for small businesses to open in Hoboken and improve the relationship between current business owners and city hall. We need to increase the use of technology to help reduce every day costs. If we get the commitment and cooperation from city council and city hall we can achieve these goals and reduce property taxes.
I intend to increase constituent services by holding regular evening office hours. I want to listen to your issues and concerns.
Make no mistake about it; Hoboken is at a cross roads, this election will determine the fate of Hoboken for many years to come. I intend to bring honesty and integrity to our city. I am just an ordinary resident looking to serve my community. I want to be a good public servant not a politician.
I have no hidden agendas and am only concerned with what is best for the residents of Hoboken. This election is not about me or any other candidates; it is about electing those who are truly looking after your well being.
It will be an honor and a privilege to serve you. I will dedicate myself to earning and keeping your trust.
I encourage you to vote for Timothy Occhipinti on Tuesday May 12th.
For more information please visit

Timothy Occhipinti

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