Hudson Reporter Archive

Hobokenites get nasty election phone call

What would you think if you came home to a phone message that starts off with a very loud sound of a car skidding and crashing?
Perhaps that one of your kids was calling from his or her cell phone and got into an accident? Or someone playing a sick joke?
No, it’s actually the beginning of an anonymous message left on answering machines throughout Hoboken today, attacking mayoral candidate Dawn Zimmer. The election will be held this Tuesday.
The car crash sound is followed by a voice saying that it was the sound of the Hoboken financial mess created by Zimmer and Roberts. It says that Zimmer should stop “cuddling up” to Roberts regarding his financial policy, and then plays the crash sound again.
The message ends by saying it was paid for by a group called “Citizens for the Future” and gives a 551 number.
The same mysterious group sent out anti-Zimmer mailers this week, not identifying itself with any one candidate.
So who is behind this group? And why don’t they want their name linked to it? Will the truth come out? Comment below…

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