Hudson Reporter Archive

Zimmer’s interest is sincere

Dear Editor:
Last Saturday, I attended Dawn Zimmers Block Party with my son at 4th Street and Harrison within the housing authority complex. We had a great time playing kickball with our neighbors and enjoying the beautiful weather. Watching Dawn with her family interacting with the community reminded me why I am supporting her for mayor. She demonstrates a sincere interest in knowing all the people in her community, listening to their concerns, and doing whatever she can to make life better for all residents of Hoboken.
Dawn has always been someone who has reached out to all of Hoboken and is always willing to take the time to talk to whomever approached her. I find her genuinely concerned about our city, wanting to make real changes so that Hoboken can reach its full potential. It is refreshing to find someone with no other political agenda other than knowing that we can do better.

Frances Jennings

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