Hudson Reporter Archive

Zimmer shouldn’t be mayor

Dear Editor:
Dawn Zimmer has been a Councilwoman for the 4th Ward for the past 2 years and she has not fulfilled her campaign promises. She ran on a platform that stated she would fix our flooding problem, she promised to create more recreation and parks for our kids, and she promised to get our city back on track. She has not fulfilled any of these promises, and after only 2 years serving on the City Council, before even finishing the job she was elected to do, she wants to be Mayor. Dawn Zimmer should stop trying to further her political career and finish the work she was elected to do in the 4th Ward. Why should we trust anything she says in her run for Mayor when she has broken all of her promises that she made when she ran for City Council?
Councilwoman Zimmer claims she has the record to be an effective Mayor, but what does her track record show? In the 4th Ward she has a record of broken promises and if she gets to the mayor’s office she will be as ineffective as she was on the City Council. We cannot afford to have a Zimmer as the next Mayor because the problems we face are too important. We need real solutions and a person in City Hall who has a track record of solving problems. Councilwoman Zimmer is not that person.
On the most important responsibilities a member of the City Council has to face, passing a budget, Zimmer chose to be an obstructionist instead of working to keep our taxes low. Instead of compromising and finding a solution, she chose to play politics that allowed the State takeover and the ensuing 47 percent tax increase. Zimmer is directly responsible for the State takeover and all of its repercussions, including public safety officers potentially being laid off.
Councilwoman Zimmer should start working on fulfilling her promises made 2 years ago when she ran for council in the 4th Ward instead of trying to further her political career.

Margie Biart

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