Hudson Reporter Archive

What you should know about Carbine for council

Dear Editor:

My good friend Chris Carbine has lived in Hoboken for 9 years. During this time he has witnessed a dysfunctional political system beholden to developers, patronage and insidious special interests. In his first test he is one of the few candidates who endorsed the victorious Kids First slate. Like Kids First, Chris is utilizing a grassroots campaign favoring you, our fellow Hoboken taxpayers. With an extensive background in technology he can lead City Hall out of the 19th Century and revolutionize Hoboken’s infrastructure.

Chris will insist that our public safety personnel move from their desks out to the street, enabling cost cuts without sacrificing public safety. While taking the lead on reorganizing Hoboken’s bloated patronage ridden system we can consolidate departments and scrutinize all options in order to reduce salaries, benefits and by urging hard bargaining with our vendors, unions and suppliers we can save millions. Pay for play and multiple taxpayer funded jobs doesn’t exist in Chris’ world.

Chris believes that state monitor Judy Tripodi should enforce transparency and immediately release the vital departmental audits. The precarious state of our hospital must be discussed immediately. We are potentially on the hook for $52 million if it fails. Imagine how high your taxes will rise if this happens? Another slate promotes savings from the $7 million we put aside when the budget was not adopted. This has been corrected and no longer exists. Why do they continue to propagate this myth? We can no longer live in the Dave Roberts fantasy world. The citizens of Hoboken deserve better. As important, we need to retake control of our own destiny and demand that democracy be restored immediately. We are responsible for our dire fiscal situation and it is we who must come together to solve it. This is why it is incumbent on everyone to vote in this watershed election.

Chris endorses perimeter parking, increased zip cars and a northern taxi stand. In doing so he is showing the way towards easing our parking quagmire while at the same time providing the city with new revenue sources. Chris advocates substantial open space in the 4th Ward along with underground water storage tanks, rooftop gardens and flow control valves to alleviate the persistent flooding. The northern part of Hoboken needs light industrial companies, professional office centers, and most importantly multiple ball fields for our children instead of the usual sweetheart deals which inevitably harm our tax liability.

Chris is particularly appalled by the City Council’s acquiescence to developers as they obliterated our small town character with skyscrapers while providing little in return. I know that Chris will only approve redevelopments if the PILOT payments are close to the normal taxation and that the project stays within the confines of the Hoboken we all love. By focusing on spending cuts, lower taxes and increasing revenue Chris is sure that Hoboken will become a stronger town. On May 12th I urge everyone to vote for the one true independent Chris Carbine on line 17B and please take a look at his website at

Scott Siegel
Campaign Manager, Carbine for Council

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