Hudson Reporter Archive

Mailer was offensive

Dear Editor:
Today, in the mail, I received what will likely be the first of many mailings. This one, from the Cammarano Team, included a truly terrible picture of Dawn Zimmer. While I don’t necessarily support Zimmer, I was not amused! And while I’m not naive enough to believe that political races (especially in Hoboken) will be run cleanly and respectfully, I would really like to know if Cammarano reviewed a draft of the aforementioned mailing before it was finalized and mailed out.
If Cammarano (or any candidate for that matter) wants my vote, they should focus on what positive things they can do to help Hoboken reach its potential, and not attack their competitors and include uncomplementatry photos in their mailings.
Candidates: Act like mature professionals and tell us what (and be specific!)you’ll do to address our concerns and do not engage in mud slinging or dirty tactics, such as the Cammarano team has already done!

Andrew Goldstein

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