Hudson Reporter Archive

Fulop is a bright light in dark political tunnel

Dear Editor:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I don’t have a picture, and I don’t have a thousand words to describe independent Councilman Steve Fulop, but here is one simple fact, and it’s as plain as the nose on your face. He kept his promise by waiving his councilman’s paycheck and donating it to various nonprofit organizations.

This generous consideration is absolutely unheard of in Jersey City politics, especially when his peers are greedily collecting more than one monetary government income, and putting an unbearable strain and burden on each and every taxpayer. Their actions are quite disgusting and disturbing, because they selfishly accept these multiple paid positions without sympathy, compassion and good conscience. Particularly now in this recessive time, when jobs are scarce, and the unemployment lines are growing.

What better way can Steve show his love, loyalty, respect, and dedication for our City and each and every one of us who reside here, by giving back to the community. Actions speak louder than words.

His sincerity has already been solidly established, even if he chooses, at anytime, to accept his rightful compensation in which he deserves.

Steve illuminates a bright light at the end of a very dark Jersey City political tunnel. He is an independent, free thinking individual, who is dedicated to the community. A tremendously unique refreshing asset. He isn’t afraid to buck the system or change the status quo, and obviously can not be bought. He deserves to be re-elected as Councilman of Ward E.

I’ve lived in Jersey City all my life, and a person of this caliber only comes along every thirty-five years. The last was the late great Morris Pesin. Unfortunately, Steve is not my representative, and I am not seeking, asking or requesting any political or non-political favors from him. I do not have any alterative motives. This is my own honest independent evaluation and appraisal, which can either be accepted or rejected by the community.

Respectfully Submitted,
William P. Frasca
Jersey City

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