Hudson Reporter Archive

I’m a mom for Mason

Dear Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage the residents of Hoboken to join me in voting for Beth Mason and the entire Mason Team for One Hoboken on Tuesday May 12th. I first met Beth in July when I hosted a coffee klatch for her at my home with several friends to discuss the financial and managerial issues facing Hoboken. Beth was open, honest, and attentive with our small, but diverse group.
One of the things Beth suggested that night was hiring a financial consultant to help fix Hoboken’s fiscal crisis. Perhaps if the current administration had acted on her suggestion, we could have avoided the crushing 84% tax increase we received. Instead, we have now suffered through the embarrassment of having the state takeover our city.
I grew up in Weehawken and after graduating from Seton Hall University, my husband and I got married and bought our first home in Hoboken 5 years ago. Almost two years ago, we had our son Joshua and we recently moved into a bigger home to make room for our growing family.
As a parent, this election is so important to me because it is imperative we fix Hoboken so our children can receive every opportunity possible to succeed. Beth and her team have the vision and experience to lower taxes, eliminate wasteful spending, and create a brighter future for our city. In the past six months, I have made the transition from an Obama Momma to a Mom for Mason because just like Obama, Beth represents change we can believe in.
On Tuesday May 12th, I am voting for the entire Mason Team for One Hoboken because I know they will continue to help make Hoboken a better place to live and raise a family.

Jennifer Barracato Lowney

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