Hudson Reporter Archive

Who should ‘Tom’ vote for in the Hoboken elections?

Here is an anonymous letter we got today. It makes a lot of good points. In fact, we are going to answer most of his questions in our cover stories in the Hoboken paper this weekend…as well as some surprises!

Read on to see what “Thomas Paine” had to say. Who do you think should “Tom” vote for, and why? Post a comment below!!!

Dear Editor:

With the Hoboken mayoral election quickly approaching, I need the Reporter’s help in sorting out the political rhetoric that usually negates all elections.

Yes, I’m the (relatively) uninformed voter. I haven’t been able to attend the public forums or read the manifestos where, hopefully, the candidates have outlined their detailed plans to steer Hoboken out of its current financial situation. I’ve seen everyone’s flyers with their generic campaign promises, but I don’t think that’s enough to select a mayor. (If that were the case, I could run for mayor by just promising the basics also. “I pledge to lower the budget and property taxes, and so make me your next mayor.”) Sadly, that’s what I know about our mayoral choices. That, and all of the negative items written about their rivals, in the Letters to the Editor section.

Since the Reporter has been covering the run up to the election, I am assuming it can tell us the stated course of action of each candidate. (Actually, I am surprised that I haven’t seen such a comparison in print already.) I expect that a few of my fellow Hobokenites may also benefit from an unbiased, detailed rundown of the budget / taxes strategies of each candidate. Tell us all about their plans: how they will regain control of the budget from the state, exactly how they plan to lower taxes, which departments will be losing (or furloughing) personnel. I want to read it all, warts and all. Also, I’m curious to know which “groups” are supporting these candidates.

I look forward to reading your breakdown of the candidates. I want to select a Mayor based on their realistic planning, not by their general platitudes or colorful flyers.

Thank you
Thomas Paine
I do not wish to provide my address or phone number.

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