Hudson Reporter Archive

We’re mad….

Dear Editor:
Obviously, the law abiding individuals who reside in Jersey City need alternative measures to drastically reduce the high volume of criminal activity. Which includes all despicable, unmerciful senseless malice incorporated by these sub- human rodents, who inhabit our streets, untouched, unchained and prey on the innocent. Even though the Healy administration is in complete denial to this apparent hideous illicit realty by stating the hilarious notion that crime in Jersey City is actually down. Please, Mr. Mayor, have a little generosity and start sharing all your hallucinating prescription drugs to the rest of the citizens that you and the City Council are taking so we can all live and travel to your mystical Land of Oz.
The Jersey City Police Department, as I communicated in the past, is doing their very best under these adverse conditions but the Police Department in any municipality is only as strong as the people who they are sworn to protect and serve.
There was a mention to revitalize and expand the Special Police Officers Program. In fact, some municipalities in Hudson County presently have specials, which execute a variety of diversified functions and are a proven effective law enforcement tool.
This may or may not be a feasible alternative or the cure all in eliminating the complete spectra of brutal, callous, cruel misdeeds which are eating away our quality of life but we have to do something beside accepting and being subservient of these atrocities.
If the idea of the Special Officer doesn’t appeal to the political hierarchy then why not really get the community involved by accepting volunteers to enter into the sanctioned Jersey City block watcher program, already in existence, but should be expanded, it should remain under the complete guidance and control of the Jersey City Police Department, but should include the actual involvement of the community. Each volunteer would meet all the standard qualifications set forth by the City government and Police Department and would be given a background check.
These community volunteers would be given any and all possible protection while performing their duties. Their names and residences must never be disclosed. The City would assign them old unmarked Municipal vehicles to patrol their neighborhoods with a two way communications system. Their task is to report any potential or suspicious activity to the nearest precinct. They’re not vigilantes; they will work within the system and are the eyes and ears of the Police Department. They will not have the power to arrest or apprehend. They will be trained.
What better than to have the neighborhood watching the neighborhood. Offer your own suggestions to the Mayor and City Council and tell them straight out, we’re mad and we’re not going to take it anymore!

William P. Frasca

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