Hudson Reporter Archive

Stop the unfounded rumors & lies

Dear Editor:
Over the past weeks unfounded rumors have been circulating concerning me and the upcoming November 2009 election.
First let me set the record straight. I will be seeking re-election to my Second Ward Council seat, which I have proudly held for the past 15 years. I have always represented the Secaucus residents in an honest and independent manner.
These rumors, no doubt, have been initiated by my Democratic opponents in an effort to cast a shadow on my campaign for re-election.
These opponents are also spreading stories that if I win re-election, I will step down before my term finishes. I have never failed to complete a term over the 27 years I have run for elected office, whether it be School Board or Town Council. I am proud of my record of completing my elective obligations over the years.
My Democratic opponent cannot claim this same sense of loyalty to the residents of Secaucus. My opponent has not yet completed his first term on the Board of Education and is running for a Council seat. The incumbent mayor also failed to complete his first term on the School Board before running for Council.
So I say to these people who spread these unfounded rumors, tell the people why you believe you deserve to hold political office. Stop spreading lies in an effort to gain political favors and instead run on the issues.

Secaucus Second War Councilman
John Bueckner

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