Hudson Reporter Archive

Please consider me as your next mayor

Dear Neighbors:
I would like to thank all of the Hoboken registered voters who signed petitions so I could run for Mayor of Hoboken. During the days that my team and I canvassed for these petitions, we met over 500 Hobokenites who shared with us their concerns about Hoboken’s current economic crisis.
And, they have good reason to be concerned; Hoboken is in the worst financial shape in 20 years.
The current Mayor and City Council have spent far more money than we have, resulting in devastating deficits, and a State takeover of our finances and budget that led to a 47 percent tax increase this year.
It has become clear to me – as it has to most Hobokenites – that we cannot afford to elect another politician with little understanding of budgets and financing. The time has come to hire a financial manager as our mayor.
As an experienced financial manager, I have directed budgets three times the size of Hoboken’s. I not only have the experience and judgment to get our financial house in order, but I also have a comprehensive plan to accomplish this goal. Details from my plan can be found on my website:
Hoboken is at a critical juncture in its history. For far too long, our politicians have confused real estate development with Economic Development. This short-sightedness is costing us more in services than we are getting from the developers.
We need a mayor who understands real Economic Development…a mayor who will attract more business to our city and who will make it easier for our existing business owners to operate in here.
In short, we need a mayor with the experience and a plan to address our financial issues and lower property taxes so that all of our residents – singles, college students, couples, families and seniors – can afford to stay in Hoboken.
I know I am that person, and that is why I am asking Hoboken voters to hire me as their next Mayor.

Your neighbor,
Ms. Ryn Melberg
Hire Ryn Melberg for Mayor

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