Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you all

Dear Editor:
At this time I sincerely would like to thank my coaches Ed Powers and Tom Jerkovich for their hard work, dedication and confidence in leading the Bagel Buffet 5th & 6th grades to the 2009 Championship. Kudos to Susan Pirro, Director of the Boy’s Recreation, who did an outstanding job in conducting the league this year.
Special thanks to my teammates Frank Jerkovich; Colin Powers; Angelo Aligo; Mike Grecco; Nick Daddetto and Ayush Singh for without them I would not have been able to be named Most Valuable Player in the Championship Game.
Last and certainly not least, the officials who did an outstanding job, Mr. Provost, Brian Provost, Mike Nunez and the official for the Championship game, Mr. Wolf. I also would like to extend a special thanks to our sponsor, Bagel Buffet.

Zac Camacho

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