Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you

Dear Editor:
The boys Recreation Basketball 5/6th Grade and 7/8th Grade teams had their championship games last week to officially end the season. This program would not be the success it is without the time, effort and dedication of our volunteer coaches, and so I would like to extend a huge thank you to them! Our 5/6th Grade coaches are Scott Correri, Tom Hering, Mark Kimelman, Joe O’Brien, Ed Powers and Joe Rodriguez. 7/8th Grade coaches are Rick Caruso, Bob Jernstedt, Jack McStowe, Jim Panepinto, Ron Roberts and John Voli. In addition to perfecting their basketball skills, our children were taught sportsmanship, friendship, dedication and compassion towards others by their coaches and mentors. Thank you also to assistant coaches Rob Critelli, Al Krause, Mike Schlemm, Jason Tarabokija and Joe Walsh!
I would also like to thank this season’s referees, Jude Musillo, Mike Nunez, Paul Pollock, Bryan Provost, Marvin Provost and Bob Wolf. Thanks also to our clock & score keepers, Luis Bolanos, Breanna Murphy, Cheryl Pirro for a job well done!
In addition, I would like to congratulate and thank our travel team coaches for an extremely successful season! They are 4th Grade Team Coach Rick Caruso who led his team into the playoffs; 5th Grade Team Coach Ed Powers for a winning season and 6th Grade Team Coach Bob Jernstedt whose team won the Bergen Travel Basketball League Championship in the Air Force Division! Their talent, skill level and sportsmanship was a representation that our Town can be very proud of!

Susan Pirro

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