Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken Police BeatCompiled by Timothy J. Carroll

No skateboarding

Police gave summonses to seven students from Stevens Institute for skating in the municipal parking garage on Second Street.
Police found skateboarders at the garage at midnight on April 1, Falco said. They asked the men to leave the scene. But when another patrol car checked the location at 1:39 a.m., the men where allegedly still skating inside the garage.
The original officer came back and identified the individuals, and police called Stevens Institute to verify their ages. The seven men were issued summonses for defiant trespassing and disorderly conduct, police said.

Followed to school

An 18-year-old female student called police last week saying she was allegedly followed and harassed on her way to school, Captain Anthony Falco said.
When police arrived at Demarest School (which contains an alternative high school) on April 1, they were met by the principal and the student. She told police that a man she had seen before began following her at Fourth and Jackson streets. She said he allegedly shouted sexual remarks to her. The victim called her mother and hurried to school as the man continued the alleged harassment, she told police.
She said the man had allegedly followed her the day before, too.
Following a description given by the student, police found and arrested Eugene Ortiz, 23, of Jersey City. He was charged with harassment.

Allegedly stealing from the elderly

Police responded to a call from a man on the 200 block of Jackson Street after he said money from his pocket allegedly had been stolen, police said.
The victim, an 81-year-old man in a wheelchair, met police at the security desk of his building on March 30, police said. The man told police that a woman from the building allegedly took $270 from his shirt pocket the day before, Falco said.
Police brought a woman down from the building for the man to identify, and then charged a woman, Kathleen O’Connor, 51, 200 block of Jackson St., with theft of movable property.

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