Hudson Reporter Archive


Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez announced the successful participation of Sheriff’s Officer Supervisors and Officers in a training program offered at the HC Administration Building Courthouse. The first of its kind training for the HC Sheriff’s Officers involved two phases, “Active Shooter” and Hostage Negotiations”, involving both the scenarios of a shooter or shooters in the courthouse and the scenario of a hostage situation and the hours spent attempting to talk to the hostage taker prior to the necessity of the SWAT Team from entering and interceding. Sheriff Perez stated “these two programs will assist our personnel to be prepared to respond to the presence of an active shooter in the county buildings and concerning the hostage negotiation training gave the staff an ability to train to take the lead in the intensive negotiations necessary in a hostage situation.” In the photo are a group of Sheriff’s Officers and Supervisors with Sheriff Perez ready to commence ‘Active Shooter” training on the floors of the County Courthouse.

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