Hudson Reporter Archive

Get out and vote on April 21

Dear Editor:
These have been difficult months in Hoboken, and the negativity at both council and board meeting needs to cease if the city is to move forward. One ticket in the board election models that negativity better than any in recent memory. Their inability to celebrate the positive, their dismissal of the opinions of others, their rude remarks and occasional crude gestures have advanced the cause of education very little. Returning Theresa Minutello to the board, and electing Maureen Sullivan and Ruth McAllister is a certain recipe for disaster.
I encourage all to get to the polls on April 21 to support Frank Raia, Anthony Oland and Hector Irizarry. In their public comments and their work throughout the community, they have shown the ability to listen, to engage in civil dialogue and to focus on the positive while acknowledging and addressing the negative. They will serve the city and the families of the Hoboken school district well. Please join me in voting 2, 3 and 6 on April 21.

Harold Milne

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