Hudson Reporter Archive

Mayor Healy’s attributes are many

Dear Editor:
Although all of the people involved in our Jersey City Municipal Election in May are ladies and gentlemen, I feel that as a lifelong resident of Jersey City and one involved in the political process for the past 40 plus years, I must comment on the attributes of our Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy and his entire slate of most experienced and qualified running mates. I must also state that I am not employed by the City of Jersey City so that these comments are not to be considered self serving in any way.
In regards to our Mayor, he is a most caring individual, and I know that his interests every day are wholly for the 240,000 plus residents in our fair city. The Mayor has made change for the positive and the records on the following areas can be documented: 24 percent decrease involving crime; thousands of guns taken off our streets; sincere involvement with the United States Marshal’s Office; Jersey City Police Dept., Hudson County Sheriff’s Office; Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office and Hudson County Corrections in the GREAT and DARE Programs to keep children away from gang activity and the evils of drugs; affordable housing built; jobs for those that are unemployed or recently unemployed; municipal tax rate stable for two years in a row and many more attributes for our residents.
The Mayor has a solid group of dedicated people running with him – seasoned veteran legislators like William Gaughan, Mariano Vega, Peter Brennan, Willie Flood, Viola Richardson, Michael Sottolano and those who have proven track records in the community and business world, Nidia Lopez, Philip Kenny and Guy Catrillo.
Let us keep Jersey City moving forward for the next four years with the unselfish, untiring efforts of the Team Healy. An old adage is very much appropriate describing Mayor Healy and his team, “What a person does for themselves is quickly forgotten; what a person does for others lives on and on.”

Respectfully submitted,
Robert B. Knapp

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