Hudson Reporter Archive

Democratic Party in Hoboken is strong

Dear Editor:
As a duly elected member and Secretary of the Hoboken Democratic Party, I would like to formally congratulate our new chairman, Assemblyman Ruben Ramos on his election to lead our party. I would also like to congratulate our new treasurer, Gary Holtzman.
Over the past year, I have been privileged to serve alongside my fellow committee members in helping t make the Hoboken Democratic Party not only diverse in principles and ideals, but also much more inclusive. The work we have performed in adopting a new set of by laws represent the inspiring traditions of the Democratic Party that will serve us well going forward. Our bylaws represent today a vision based on strengthening the Hoboken Democratic Party united in common purpose toward empowering you, the voters.
Democrats have accomplished a great deal – as a nation and a party, and we must continue to move forward in the 21st Century. We must work to incorporate all citizens into the fabric of our community. I believe the Democratic Party is America’s last, best hope to bridge the divisions of class, race, region, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. We will succeed if we continue to govern by the same principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth – the principles of strength, inclusion and opportunity. The Democratic Party is ready to take advantage of the opportunities we have and meet the challenges we face, and under Ruben’s leadership I know we can.
Once again congratulations to our new chairman, Ruben Ramos. I know that I and the entire Hoboken Democratic Party look forward to building the bridges toward making the Hoboken Democratic Party vibrant and strong for years to come.
For more information the Hoboken Democratic Party or if you would like to volunteer and join the Democratic Party, please visit our website as or feel free to contact your local district committee persons or me personally at

George A. Ortiz, Esq.

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